The IPO-Ready CFO

The IPO-Ready CFO There’s more than one way to secure capital for operational expansion. Going public may sound like the best way to leverage growth, but unless your company staffs a CFO with the myriad talents, an endless supply of energy, and a persuasive personality it takes to spearhead such a dramatic transformation, it’s likely …

The CFO – Key to C-Suite Diversity

The Broken Rung Some call it “the broken rung”—the step on the corporate ladder preventing women and members of minorities from gaining access to the C-suite. Despite diversity’s status as the hottest of hot-button issues, this impediment continues to go shockingly unaddressed. The dream of the inclusive working environment remains just that. It’s baffling, even …

Top-Tier Tech Investments for Today’s CFOs

A pressing priority In a survey conducted by CFO Signals in 2021, 40% of CFOs polled cited increased investment in technology as their respective company’s most pressing priority. Earlier this year, in financial services and human resources software vendor Workday’s Global CFO Indicator Survey, 48% of those solicited afforded investment in technology-based innovation the same critical status. …


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The IPO-Ready CFO

The IPO-Ready CFO There’s more than one way to secure capital for operational expansion. Going public may sound like the best way to leverage growth,

CFOs and Cybersecurity

The CFO As “War Hero” It’s been said more than once: cybersecurity must be fought by a united front. What needs to be stated just

 CFOs and Sustainability

The struggle for sustainabilityThe longstanding debate over the archetypical CFO’s responsibility to sustainability continues. While pundits and politicians continue to posit the modern CFO as

CFO Predictions for 2023  

It’s never too early to speculate. While financial forecasting can be a tricky business, economic events are in motion allowing CFOs to hedge their bets for